Get your wristbands for Springfest today!

The Voice of North Redondo Beach Businesses

Submit Your North Redondo Beach on the Community Calendar:
Event!/Sale/Program/Volunteer Opportunity

Helpful Instructions

These instructions will help you navigate and complete the form. The goal is to give as much detail about your event.

  1. Event Title: Naming your event. (required)
  2. Date: The starting date of you event. (required)
  3. Time: Input the time the event starts. (required)
  4. End Date: The end date of your event. (required)
  5. End Time: Input the time the event ends. (required)
  6. Description: Enter the details of your event.
  7. Link: If you have a link on your website of the event, input the link here.
  8. Repeats: If the event repeats. Click on the info below to establish when it repeats.
  9. Image: If you have an image on your site that reflects your event, input the image link here.
  10. Location: Click on the “Add Location” button to enter the physical address of where the event will be taking place. Please note: There is a location url in this section that will activate the Google Maps to identify the location and offer directions. 
  11. Categories: Check as many that apply
  • Events: Default Category. This will always be checked
  • Programs: Check this box if your event is a business event, educational program, meet up, etc.
  • Sales | Promotions: Check this box if you are running a sale or promotions for a specific period of time.
  • Volunteer Opportunity: Check this box if you are in need of volunteers on specific date.

Additional Information

When you submit your event, it will then go through an approval process before it is placed in the calendar. You will be notified when your event is approved.
